What Is A Defect Tracking Log And How Does It Work?

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A defect tracking log is a tool used in software development to keep track of all the defects or issues encountered during the testing phase. It helps in identifying, documenting, and resolving these defects in an organized manner. This log acts as a central repository of all the issues and provides a systematic approach to track and manage them.

When a defect is identified during testing, it is logged into the defect tracking log along with relevant details such as its severity, priority, description, steps to reproduce, and any additional comments or attachments. This information helps the development team to understand the issue and work towards resolving it.

How Does a Defect Tracking Log Work?

A defect tracking log typically follows a predefined workflow to manage the defects effectively. The workflow may vary depending on the organization or project, but generally includes the following stages:

1. Defect Identification:

During the testing phase, testers identify defects or issues in the software. These defects are logged into the defect tracking log with all the necessary details.

2. Defect Prioritization:

Once the defects are logged, they are prioritized based on their severity and impact on the functionality of the software. High priority defects are given immediate attention and are resolved before lower priority defects.

3. Defect Assignment:

After prioritization, the defects are assigned to the developers responsible for fixing them. This ensures that each defect is assigned to the right person and there is clear accountability for resolving it.

4. Defect Resolution:

The assigned developer works on resolving the defect and updates the defect tracking log with the status of the resolution. This includes information about the steps taken to fix the issue and any additional comments or attachments related to the resolution process.

5. Defect Verification:

Once the defect is resolved, it is retested to ensure that the fix is effective and does not introduce any new issues. The results of the retesting are recorded in the defect tracking log.

6. Defect Closure:

If the retesting is successful and the defect is no longer reproducible, it is marked as closed in the defect tracking log. Closed defects are considered resolved and do not require any further action.

Sample Defect Tracking Log

Here is an example of how a defect tracking log may look like:

Defect ID: D001

Defect Title: Login page not accepting valid credentials

Severity: High

Priority: Urgent

Description: When trying to login with valid credentials, the system does not accept them and displays an error message.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Go to the login page
  2. Enter valid username and password
  3. Click on the login button

Attachments: Screenshot of the error message

Comments: This issue is critical as it prevents users from accessing the system. Needs immediate attention.

Status: Assigned to Developer A

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Defect Tracking Logs

1. Why is a defect tracking log important?

A defect tracking log is important as it helps in keeping track of all the defects encountered during testing. It ensures that no issue goes unnoticed and provides a systematic approach to manage and resolve them.

2. What information should be included in a defect tracking log?

A defect tracking log should include information such as defect ID, title, severity, priority, description, steps to reproduce, attachments, comments, and status. This information helps in understanding the issue and resolving it effectively.

3. Who is responsible for maintaining the defect tracking log?

The testing team is usually responsible for maintaining the defect tracking log. They log the defects, prioritize them, assign them to developers, and update the status as the defects are resolved.

4. Can a defect tracking log be used in agile development?

Yes, a defect tracking log can be used in agile development. It provides a centralized location to track and manage defects, which is beneficial in agile projects where frequent iterations and changes occur.

5. Can a defect tracking log be customized?

Yes, a defect tracking log can be customized to fit the specific needs of a project or organization. Additional fields or workflows can be added to align with the existing processes and requirements.

6. How often should the defect tracking log be reviewed?

The defect tracking log should be reviewed regularly, preferably on a daily basis. This helps in staying updated with the status of the defects and taking necessary actions to resolve them in a timely manner.

7. Can a defect tracking log be shared with external stakeholders?

Yes, a defect tracking log can be shared with external stakeholders such as clients or management. It provides transparency and visibility into the issues encountered during testing and the progress made in resolving them.

8. Is it necessary to close all defects in the defect tracking log?

It is not necessary to close all defects in the defect tracking log. Some defects may be low priority or may not impact the functionality significantly. These defects can be deferred to a later release or managed separately.

9. Can a defect tracking log be integrated with other tools?

Yes, a defect tracking log can be integrated with other tools such as project management or test management tools. This integration helps in streamlining the defect management process and ensures better collaboration among team members.

10. Are there any best practices for using a defect tracking log?

Some best practices for using a defect tracking log include keeping the log updated in real-time, providing clear and concise descriptions of the defects, regularly reviewing and prioritizing the defects, and ensuring proper communication and collaboration among team members.


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